Monday, August 18, 2014

Where did the summer go??

I still can't believe that it is the middle of August.  Where did the summer go?  No seriously where did it go?? It has been a crazy few months and not necessarily in the way we planned, which I guess is how it always goes. 

June was kind of a hard month because it was full of reliving memories of last summer.  It is hard to believe it had been a year since watching my dad slowly pass away.  So every week in June just brought back a lot of hard memories.  Towards the end of June I kept thinking, okay now summer can finally start...and it did with Robbie getting sick and then me getting sick.  Luckily Robbie bounced back really fast.  I, on the other hand, got the worst cold/flu/ear/sinus infection ever! After about a week and a half of feeling awful, I finally went into the doctor and got an antibiotic and after another several days was starting to feel like myself again and could actually start smelling and tasting food for the first time in weeks.  

As the weekend was about to start, I remember thinking, okay we are in the middle of July, now summer can really start...and Friday night I went to bed with my stomach kind of hurting, but didn't think much of it.  I woke up on Saturday with a lot of pain in my stomach.  I kept thinking it would go away, but instead just kept getting worse.  Finally by the afternoon it was getting to the point where I couldn't really function anymore so we decided it was probably best to get it checked out.  We hurried and dropped Robbie off at my mom's and rushed to the ER.  After lots of tests the doctors figured out it was my appendix and that I needed to get it out.  Blake and I just kept saying, what just happened?? Definitely was not in the plans for that Saturday or any Saturday I guess:) 

The next week was an adventure taking care of Robbie without being able to lift him.  My poor mom would come over before and after naps to lift him for me.  But after a couple weeks, I started to feel a lot better and able to take care of him normally again.

So now we are in August and I feel like summer should have just started!:) Blake and I have been trying to fill in as much summer fun as we can in this last little while.  We've gone on walks, took Robbie swimming several times, played outside with cousins and friends, and plan to do as much as we can for the next couple months before it starts getting cold.  

As I've thought about how these last few months have been crazy, I've realized how blessed we've been through them.  I'm so grateful that the day I had my appendix attack, Blake was home and able to get me to the hospital.  The weeks before he had been gone on Saturdays either working or taking his 1st CPA exam (which he passed!!:)). It would have been so scary going through the crazy pain trying to take care of Robbie and not being able to get a hold of Blake, so I'm so grateful if it had to happened it did on that particular day.  We've had such sweet family members and neighbors that have helped and brought food and meals and been so supportive.  And throughout this summer we've been able to see a lot of extended family and old friends which has been so fun and much needed.  I feel like I keep learning lessons of what really matters and how even through trials, Heavenly Father is still blessing us.  Happy Summer!:)


  1. Oh Katie what a roller coaster. I'm so sorry to hear about your appendix! I hope that you get a well deserved break for fall :) You guys are adorable!

  2. Katie you are amazing and the sweetest person. Im relieved that all is relatively well and that you had a supportive network during those difficult.moments.
