Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"Sisters are the perfect best friend"

Today's my sister Amy's birthday and how grateful I am for her!

Sometimes when I was younger I really wanted more siblings.  If Amy was gone or not wanting to play then I was on my own. Even now there are times that I think it'd be fun to have a bigger family when we all get together. But I also realized how just having it be my sister and I was a blessing in a way because it made the two of us really close.
Getting me ready for Senior Prom

I've always loved having someone to look up to and see go through everything first in life.  Having her share insights and advice made going through many transitions in my life so much easier.

She's always been there for me. I still remember going away from home for my first time to girls camp when I was twelve years old, and getting a little homesick.  My sweet sister who is a little over three years older then me, took time away from her friends to talk with and reassure me and just having her there made everything better.  I remember having bouts of homesickness when I was away at college. Luckily Aim lived in the same town and many times would cancel her plans just so we could have a girls night and catch up when I was having a hard day.

Welcoming me home at the airport
Having our annual Christmas sleepover

Even got to pregnant at the same time:)
She always been there to help me: doing my hair for all the high school dances and my wedding, encouraging me through hard times in my pregnancy and new role as a mom, being strong through difficult days after losing our dad, and reminding me of memories that make me laugh. She understands and shares my sense of humor.  She's been through lives ups and downs with me and always supported me.

I love her and am so grateful Heavenly Father knew I needed a big sister.